Is There Anything You Can Still Get Out Of This Job?

So let’s say you’ve decided you’re ready to leave your current job. You’re not being challenged in your role. You don’t have the team or resources to do your best work.

Being willing to say that you’re ready is a huge step. But it still might not be time to leave yet.

Here’s something I’ve observed: You typically know that you’re ready to leave a job 4-6 months before your co-workers or bosses realize. Your work is still at the same level, and you’re still showing up with good energy at the office. You’re starting to think about the next opportunity, but you haven’t moved on mentally from the current role.

Could you quit right away? Of course. (If things have gotten toxic or particularly bad, don’t wait!) But I’d also advise you to consider one other thing: Is there anything left for you to try at your current job? Or to put it more bluntly: Is there anything you can still get out of this role? Perhaps there are:

-Opportunities to take on one last big project
-Opportunities for public speaking (in public, the press, or internally)
-Opportunities to learn a new skill from your company’s L&D team

Any of those things might give you an opportunity to expand your skill set. And if that’s the case, it might be worth staying a few more months. Those opportunities for growth could help you get to a better place for your next job — whatever it is.


Sometimes, I throw in a piece of stock photography just because. This one’s from Dan Cook and Unsplash.