Every year, I meet up with my buddy Aaron for what we call our corporate retreat. We both started indie consulting businesses in 2019 — Aaron works in PR and communications, and I work in email. We’ve both been figuring it out as we go. This trip is our opportunity to catch up, play a little golf, and talk about where we’re going with our businesses.
I feel so lucky to have someone like Aaron in my corner, someone who’s building a similar business and in a similar place in his career trajectory. When I have a question about bringing on freelance help for a specific project, I can call Aaron to hear what he’s learned about working with freelancers. When I have a question about setting the right price for a contract with a potential client, he can offer feedback. The relationship goes both ways: He often checks in with questions to get my thoughts. And when we hit certain milestones or have a big win, we’ll share those with one another and cheer each other on.
I’m running a one-person business, but I know that I can’t do this alone. I’m grateful to the people I have in my corner, like Aaron, who help keep me and this business moving forward.
That’s me and Aaron, at right, (and our friend, Lou, who came along for the retreat weekend).