Finding Some Sort of Normal.

It isn’t easy finding a sense of normal these days. Staying at home day after day, everything seems to blend together. I know we’re not alone in this. Even Vox created an article titled, simply, “What day is it today?” All of us are having trouble making sense of time during this crisis.

So Sally and I have started to institute one small tradition: A long Sunday walk. We take the same route every Sunday, walking for 90 minutes or so down to the water. It’s simple, but it’s a way for us to mark the time clearly. If we’re on that walk, it means the week is about to begin, and we’ll talk a little about what’s to come in the days ahead.

We’re still trying to find other milestones for the week to help us mark the time. It does help us feel just a bit more normal, here in this moment. We don’t know when all of this will end, but until then, we’ll have our walks to remind ourselves of the week that was and the week ahead.


That photo comes via Islam Hassan for Unsplash.