Little Coincidences Are Everywhere.

Red Rocks, in Morrison, Colorad, on June 28

Two of the first people I told about Inbox Collective were my friends Dan and Ryan. I’ve known them since college — we lived on the same floor of the same dorm. We met our very first night at Mizzou. We’ve been close ever since, and they’ve been huge supporters of mine through work ups and downs over the years.

I remember telling them in Chicago three years ago — we’d met up and were en route to a Cubs game. They were surprised by the news, but also excited, and absolutely sure that I’d be able to build this business.

We met up this week in Denver to go to a concert together, and I was reminiscing about our memories of that Chicago visit. It felt like we’d all come a long way from that day.

And then I looked back at my calendar. I felt like I’d told them right before July 4th, so I looked on my calendar for the date when I’d told them the news.

It was exactly three years ago.

The universe is funny like that. Sometimes, by chance, you end up in the same places or with the same people on the same dates, and it feels a little like fate. You just need to keep your eyes open for those little coincidences. They’re everywhere, if you take the time to look for them.

Here’s to good friends, and to good things happening with friends on June 27th.


That’s a photo of the rocks at Red Rocks, where we saw the show last night.