Pause, Reset, Focus.

rain drops fall on a charcoal grill

It’s easy this time of the year to get caught up in everything. There’s so much to do before the end of the year — last-minute projects, those to-dos you promised you’d handle before Dec. 31 — and you and your colleagues are probably going on vacation soon. The clock seems to tick faster and faster this time of year.

When you’ve got so much going on, it’s OK to take a beat to pause, reset, and refocus on the handful of things that actually need to get done. So often, we get caught up worrying about all the things we have to do instead of actually doing stuff.

Just take a minute for yourself to slow things down and reset. You’ll get the important stuff done; it’ll be OK.


That’s a photo of blurry lights coming off a charcoal grill. It was taken by Jeremy Bishop for Unsplash.