This Is Enough.

matzah at the Passover table

Passover starts later this week, and there’s a song we’ll sing during the Passover service, which is known as a seder. The song is called “Dayenu,” which translates to, “It would have been enough.”

We sing that if God had merely found a way for the Israelites to exit Egypt, it would have been enough.

And if God had merely supplied the Israelites with food, it would have been enough.

And had God had merely brought us the Torah, it would’ve been enough.

And so on, and so on.

The idea is that even one of these acts would have been enough. (But in the telling of the story, God provides all of these things, and more.)

The song is one of gratitude, and it’s one I remind myself of whenever I think about the life that I have or the business I’ve built. Do I want more? Sure. I know there’s a lot more out there. But I look at what I have — an amazing family, wonderful friends, and a great job — and have to be grateful.

I’d like more — but this is already more than enough.


That photo of matzah, a staple of Passover, was taken by Flickr user ohadby, and is used here thanks to a Creative Commons license.