A Wish for the Year Ahead.

That's a photo of three people clinking champagne classes while setting off sparklers. Seems like a lot for a toast, but then again, I've never tried to do both at once!

As we wrap up 2022 and look towards the new year, I wanted to say a few words:

As we shift out of a “We’re actively living through a pandemic” mindset and into whatever’s next (more of an “I guess I might get COVID but it’s not my no. 1 fear” mindset), I’ve noticed something: We’re as busy as ever.

There are so many commitments we’ve jammed back onto our calendars, from stuff we have to do (appointments, meetings) to stuff we want to do (dinner with friends, nights out) to stuff we feel like we need to do (keeping up with the new show that everyone’s talking about). In 2020 and 2021, time moved slowly; in 2022, time seemed to move at 2x/speed.

There’s a lot I’m sure you want to do in 2023. You’ve got goals and adventures and all sorts of things on your to-do list. And my wish for you is simple: I hope you find ways to make time for all the things you want to do.

You can’t do everything — but I hope you find ways to make time for the things you truly care about.

Here’s to a 2023 filled with things you love.



That’s a photo from Unsplash, taken by photographer Kateryna Hliznitsova.

A Wish for the Year Ahead.

two people cheers with beers

As we wrap up 2021, and look towards the new year, I wanted to say a few words:

It’s been a strange year — another strange year, I suppose. There have been moments of joy, of celebration, and moments of true alarm. I have no idea what 2022 will bring, but at this point, I wouldn’t bet on “normal.”

This moment in time has been strange for every single one of us.

So here’s my wish for the year ahead: Be kind to the people around you. Be kind to the co-worker, to the person in the supermarket checkout aisle, to the flight attendant, to your friends. This is a time of great stress and confusion, and whatever you’re feeling, the person standing in front of you is probably feeling it, too. Try to be slow to anger, even when things aren’t going your way. A little kindness — a kind word, a gesture, a thank you — might mean the world to them.

Here’s to 2022 — a kinder year, I hope, for all of us.



That photo comes via Wil Stewart for Unsplash.

A Wish for the Year Ahead.

As we wrap up 2020, and look towards the new year, I wanted to say a few words:

So many of us are hoping that when the calendar flips to January, we’ll slowly begin to move towards a more normal world. As I look through my Instagram feed, nearly every day, I see another photo of a friend receiving their first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine. That alone is reason for optimism.

But no matter what 2021 brings, I wish for you to think back upon this year as a reminder: of how connected we can be, when we choose to be; of how kind we can be, when we choose to be; of how giving we can be, when we choose to be; of how engaged we can be, when we choose to be.

2021 will be an opportunity, too, to choose to work for a better world, in whatever ways you can. There is no returning to the lives we had before this virus, but together, we can build a world that is different, exciting, and far more just. I wish for you the courage to choose that future.

In this new year, I wish you and your loved ones good health, and I wish you the optimism to believe that brighter days lie still ahead.

Be safe, be well, and happy new year.


That photo comes via Nora Schlesinger and Unsplash.

A Wish For The Year Ahead.

As we wrap up 2019, and look towards the new year, I wanted to say:

In 2020, I wish you the courage to take a risk — to try something new, something big that frightens you a little. I wish you the opportunity to build a community around something you love. I wish you the freedom to be as weird or silly as you’d like. And I wish you the ability to focus, to stay in the moment, and to be able to pull yourself away from the work to make time for the people you love.

May 2020 be a year of growth, health, and good luck. 



That photo was taken by Roan Lavery for Unsplash. Wherever that photo was taken, I wish to go there in the new year.

A Wish For The Year Ahead.

As we wrap up 2018, and look towards the new year, I wanted to say:

In 2019, I wish you good luck, and good timing. (You won’t go very far with the right idea at the wrong time.) I wish you amazing co-workers and teammates, and the resources you need to do great work.

But above all: I wish you the courage to push yourself in 2019. Test new ideas. Ask tough questions. Do things that scare you or make you uncomfortable. Let’s make 2019 a year of amazing growth.



That very New Year’s-y photo is by Nora Schlesinger, on Unsplash.