A Wish for the Year Ahead.

That's a photo of three people clinking champagne classes while setting off sparklers. Seems like a lot for a toast, but then again, I've never tried to do both at once!

As we wrap up 2022 and look towards the new year, I wanted to say a few words:

As we shift out of a “We’re actively living through a pandemic” mindset and into whatever’s next (more of an “I guess I might get COVID but it’s not my no. 1 fear” mindset), I’ve noticed something: We’re as busy as ever.

There are so many commitments we’ve jammed back onto our calendars, from stuff we have to do (appointments, meetings) to stuff we want to do (dinner with friends, nights out) to stuff we feel like we need to do (keeping up with the new show that everyone’s talking about). In 2020 and 2021, time moved slowly; in 2022, time seemed to move at 2x/speed.

There’s a lot I’m sure you want to do in 2023. You’ve got goals and adventures and all sorts of things on your to-do list. And my wish for you is simple: I hope you find ways to make time for all the things you want to do.

You can’t do everything — but I hope you find ways to make time for the things you truly care about.

Here’s to a 2023 filled with things you love.



That’s a photo from Unsplash, taken by photographer Kateryna Hliznitsova.