I’m lucky to be in a place where I’ve got a career I love and a business that’s growing.
But to anyone thinking that this all happened overnight: It most certainly did not.
That’s why I’m so grateful that I’ve been documenting my journey over the years. And every time I look back upon certain entries — from a year ago, or five, or ten — I’m reminded of what I went through on the road to today.
I can look back and remember the moment when I was sleeping on a floor in Springfield, Missouri — and excited about it!
I can look back at the days when I wondered if my work would bring in any money.
I can read back through an old edition of “The Things I Believe” and remember the person I once was.
These stories are humbling. They’re a reminder of what I went through to get here.
And they’re why I’ll keep documenting my story, one day at a time. I know I’ll look back on this time, too, remembering the person I once was — and the person I’ve since become.
That photo of a spiral notebook comes via Justin Morgan and Unsplash.